Public Transportation Provider
RTEC provides public transportation services for the following counties located in Southeast Kentucky: Bell, Clinton, Cumberland, Knox, Laurel, McCreary, Monroe, Pulaski, Rockcastle , Russell, Taylor, Wayne and Whitley, including trips to the urban area for intercity transportation and Greyhound connections.
Region 12 Broker for Human Service Transportation Delivery
RTEC, the broker for Human Service Transportation Services in Region 12, verifies program eligibility for recipients and issues ride tickets to transportation carriers in the provider network. Eligible recipients should call 3 days in advance of the day of travel to make reservations.
Urgent Care Transportation
RTEC provides transportation service through its contract for human service transportation delivery for accessing urgent care. For this purpose, "urgent care" is defined as an unscheduled episodic situation in which there is no threat to life or limb, but the passenger must be seen on the same day as the request and cannot be delayed until the next day. When transportation service for urgent care is rendered with payment from KMAP expected, RTEC may verify with the direct provider of service the need for urgent care. RTEC can be paged 24 hours per day, 7 days a week for brokering passenger rides for urgent care through the delivery of Human Service Transportation.
RTEC Public Transportation, and Region 12 HSTD
Central Business Office Hours
RTEC’s Central Business Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 AM until 4:30 PM Eastern Time except on major holidays.
Reservation Department Office Hours
RTEC’s reservation department is open Monday through Friday 8:00 AM until 4:30 PM and on Saturday 8:00 AM until 1:00 PM local time except on major holidays.
Scheduling Transportation
Reservations for transportation will be scheduled during regular business hours by calling toll-free 1-800-321-7832 or 606-256-9835. A recording will direct you to the correct telephone extension or urgent care line. A seventy-two hour notice is required for scheduling transportation for outings.
Hours of Operation
RTEC’s regular hours for transportation services are Monday through Friday, 6 AM to 8 PM and on Saturday 8 AM until 1 PM local time except on major holidays and during inclement weather.
Holiday Closings
RTEC’s offices and operations are closed on the following holidays: New Year Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Only urgent care (certified by a physician) transportation will be provided.
Give Early Notice – Cash Fares
RTEC requires a minimum twenty-four hour notice to schedule public transportation for a cash fare. If adequate notice is not received, refer to "Outside Regular Bus Operating Hours" below. Cancellations should be called in with a minimum of 2 hours notice.
Give Early Notice – Human Service Transportation Delivery (HSTD)
A seventy-two hour notice is required for scheduling HSTD transportation. This notice is necessary for certifying eligibility, appropriate referrals and other information required by the Kentucky Medicaid Assistance Program. Cancellations should be called in with a minimum of 2 hours notice.
Rural Public Transportation
RTEC’s regular hours for transportation services are Monday through Friday, 6 AM to 8 PM and on Saturday 8 AM until 1 PM local time except on major holidays and during inclement weather. Passengers must pay when boarding the bus and have the correct change to pay the driver. During regular operating hours the cost of one way fare is $1.00 per mile or a minimum fare (1-4 miles) $4.00 per passenger boarding the bus.
Give Early Notice – Cash Fares
RTEC requires a minimum twenty-four hour notice to schedule public transportation for a cash fare. If adequate notice is not received, RTEC charges one and half times the regular fare rate, minimum $6.00. Cancellations should be called in with a minimum of 2 hours notice. Outside Regular Bus Operating Hours Same day reservations are not available on Saturday and Sunday. In the event transportation service is pre-scheduled; Saturdays, before 8:00 AM and after 1:00 PM, the fare is $1.50 per mile and the minimum fare is $6.00 each time boarding the bus and closed on Sundays. A service charge may apply to long distance one-way trips. Waiting fees or service charges are charged at a rate of $7.00 per hour.
Child or Children:
RTEC requires that children twelve (12) and under must be accompanied by one responsible adult. The adult/escort will be allowed to ride the bus at no additional charge and must board at the same location as the child or pay regular fare while the child to be accompanied is not on board. One adult/escort will serve as escort for 1-5 children twelve years or under.
RTEC does not require an escort, but will allow an escort at no additional charge to accompany an individual 13-17 years of age. When the reservation is made, the passenger must inform the reservation staff when an escort will be riding. RTEC will allow the parents of a child 12 and under to ride the bus at no additional charge to accompany the infant/child to a medical appointment. The parents must board at the same location as the child or pay regular fare while the person to be accompanied is not on board.
Families must provide an approved infant/child seat that meets the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
(FMVSS). A second escort must pay $10 in county and $15 out of county.
Disoriented Person:
RTEC requires that one (1) responsible escort accompany any person or group of persons who are disoriented. The driver may serve as an escort in some cases.
Violent or Disruptive Behavior
RTEC requires that one (1) responsible escort (other than the driver) must accompany a person who has the potential of becoming disruptive, who is at risk of causing harm to self, driver, or other passengers. An escort must board at the same location as the passenger or pay regular fare while the person to be accompanied is not on board.
Escort When Medically Necessary:
When medically necessary, RTEC will allow an escort to accompany a passenger to a medical facility when the person having an appointment is visually/hearing impaired or other illness or injury causing the passenger to need a high level of assistance. An escort must board at the same location as the passenger or pay regular fare while the person to be accompanied is not on board. Any additional escorts will be required to pay full fare. Additionally, RTEC may require that an escort accompany a passenger who is the resident of a 24-hour nursing care facility.
Service animals are allowed to board the RTEC vehicles and the responsibility of the passenger.
Level of Transportation Service:
Passengers should be ready and waiting for the arrival of the bus. Scheduling the return trip is equally as important as the original appointment. Drivers should not enter the residence or facility, except in circumstances with prior approval from RTEC management. Facilities and residences should have an accessible entrance, including a ramp and electronic doors. When an electronic doorway is not possible, the facility or residence should offer an alternative method for holding the door open to make wheelchair accessible. The different levels of services are briefly described below:
Curb-to-Curb or Regular Service - A service where the passenger does not need assistance from the driver and under most circumstances will board the bus at the curb.
Door-to-Door – A service where the driver will assist a disabled person from the door of a facility and assist with boarding the bus. A physician’s statement may be required to support the need for this service.
Wheelchair Service – The driver will assist the wheelchair user from the threshold of their residence to the facility destination and assist with boarding the bus and securement devices.
RTEC reserves the right to refuse passenger assistance to areas deemed unsafe.RTEC requires the personal care attendant to provide an appropriate car seat for each child that requires a car seat. The proper use and installation of the Child Safety Restraint Seat is fully the responsibility of the accompanying adult. The selections and utilization of a Child Safety Restraint Seat must follow KY State and Federal Guidelines. A ride will not be provided for anyone violating this policy.Infant/Toddler seats may not be left on RTEC vehicles. Each one way trip will require the car seat to be removed upon exit and secured upon entry.